


I renovated my room this past weekend, and it came out better then I could have expected. Saturday I had to clear everything out of my room and pack away all my things so nothing would get dirty (As well as my room is very small so there would have been no way for us to renovate with all my things in there). One of the big jobs I had to do was clearing off my bookshelf. It had gotten very, and I mean very cluttered since I moved in last February. I just kept purchasing new books and throwing them on the shelf and nothing really has its own place. So it felt so good taking everything off it and then being able to take the time today to re-organize it and fix it the way I really want. I am super pleased with the way that it turned out and I thought I would show you some pictures, since my room isn't quite ready yet (I still want to get some throw pillows for my bed) I don't want to post any pictures until it is all finished. Enjoy!

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