

My First Tattoo!

I got my first tattoo on Friday. Honestly it was a long time coming. I always loved tattoos & always knew that I wanted one. But there was so many questions running through my mind.. Where should I put it? What should I get? Who should do it? Will I regret it? This year I have noticed that I have quite the obsession with the infinity sign. I love that sign so much, I find it soo beautiful. I really love the sign with some kind of word incorporated in it. As soon as I saw the sign with love in it I instantly new that was going to be my first tattoo. I love it so much, I find it so feminine and pretty. Now here came the next question, where? I love wrist tattoos, I find them really delicate and pretty. Also, if needed, its fairly easy to cover it up. I decided it was time to get one, I knew exactly what I wanted & where I wanted it. I knew I would never regret this tattoo. My boyfriends friend is a tattoo artist, which is great because we got killer discounts! He also comes right to your house to do your tattoo, and for my first tattoo I thought that was awesome because it is more relaxing and less stressful for your for experience that is. So Friday night was the big night, surprisingly I wasn't nervous at all.. Until he got there.. I am not going to lie but I was very close to backing out. I relaxed myself and decided to take things step by step. He washed my arm, placed the stencil on, then he started. He was so gentle and understanding that I was very nervous. He started off with a few dots so I would get use to the feeling. Once he started my tattoo I laughed.. I could not believe that I got all worked up and scared over that. The pain was nothing like I thought it would be. It did not hurt me one bit. But then again this tattoo only took fifteen minutes and it is in a pretty good spot, pain wise. (and everyone is different) It didn't hurt to get the tattoo, and now 2 days later it still doesn't hurt. As for aftercare I have been washing it once a day with dove soap (Unscented, very important or else it will irritate it.) and I have been applying my Webber's ointment. So far so good, its looking pretty great and seems to be healing well, then again it is my first tattoo and I am by no means a professional, but from what I see I think its doing good! I will definitely get another tattoo. I am going to be the girl with all tiny little words/sayings/symbols tattooed on me. I don't ever see myself getting big portraits or sleeves done. So, if your looking into getting a tattoo my opinion is to go for it, you feel so good after its done! I can't stop looking at mine, and every time I do, I smile!

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