

The Snow Is here!

The snow has arrived! I woke up today to 10cm of snow everywhere.. Not much I know, but after only having one other tiny blizzard this year that completely melted after 1 day, I was excited! Of course it would come on a day that I had a meeting thirty minutes away from my house (When its good driving conditions) But thats okay I made it there safe & sound. I decided to snap some pics on my way there and of the view from my condo. I love love love snow days, it means staying home relaxing with a cup of hot cocoa or tea and doing fun things! 

Every time theres a snow storm it reminds me of my dog that passed away 5 years ago. Every time it would snow the snow plow would come and clean my street, but heres the fun part, I use to live on a dead end street so when the plow came he pushed all the snow to the corner of the street which happened to be my front yard. Very exciting! When we would have big storms that mountain of snow got to a good 20 feet. So on a good snow fall day my mom would bundle me up, grab our dog and we would go outside for the night. What I would do was take my sled go all the way to the top of the hill get on it and hold my dogs leash while my mom would go to the end of the street and call my dog, you guessed it, he would fly off that hill and drag me all the way to her! What a blast, such fun, and we would both sleep like BABIES after. I will never forget those great memories, and every time it snows I will think about my old dog. Love you always Pokey rip.

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